Microcement floors.
If we need to enhance the decoration and all the elements that we like in our home or a specific room, there is no better covering than microcement to give prominence and value to these decorative elements. A nice living room table acquires much more value and a decorative look when it is on a continuous surface than on any type of floor with joins – check it yourself.
There are no longer excuses for not daring to enjoy a house or any indoor or outdoor area with microcement floors, even managing to develop the continuity of the same covering, starting on floors and climbing up the walls, stairs, units or any decorative element.
Currently there are few coverings that have as many advantages as microcement, especially in renovations and rehabilitations. Its ease of application, the unnecessary demolition of the existing support, and the spectacular change of image provide a number of values that will undoubtedly make an impression on everyone.
In addition, with Cementec Ready to Use, we can choose the right product that we want to apply, based on needs and the future use that we plan for it.